Ranting and Relieving

Trailer- Ranting and Relieving

July 07, 2020 Shefali

Trailer of what this podcast is going to be all about. Stay tuned as I contemplate on various societal challenges with a dash of humour to it.

From best to worst, from good omen to bad, my life changed in few split seconds, those seconds on which I had no control over.

Paying off my karmic debt is what I have been told. When you hit low, you really want people to understand you, hear you out and be there for you but nothing of that sort ever happens.

Amidst all the chaos, the mess, the judgements, all those frowns and sometimes even disgust my resilience was tested and once again, here I am, risen from my own ashes.

Here on Ranting & Relieving, hear me talking about privileges of being born in a supportive family, challenges of having opinion in a condescending society and smashing the patriarchy one day at a time. Stay Tuned.